What One Thing I Would Save?

What One Thing I Would Save?

A few weeks ago I was touring a beautiful country house with a client. Walking me through a large living room, she informed me the house had once been a summer inn that had been vandalized and set on fire in the 70’s. The volunteer fire department had arrived in just...
Thoughtfully Beautifully Green

Thoughtfully Beautifully Green

In the Northeast our long awaited spring heralds rejuvenation of life and energy after a long, long winter. April 22nd we joined voices with the International chorus singing loudly like the peepers now filling our wetlands and riverbanks. On this special day, not only...
Finding Beauty in El Salvador – Part 1

Finding Beauty in El Salvador – Part 1

Re-entry, 3:30 A.M., mid- March Saturday morning. Frigid Boston air hitting sunburn. Exhausted, quietly elated, our tribe of Interact students and adult Rotarians journeyed 3,600 miles today, leaving sweat, tears, monumental efforts and lifelong friends on the village...
Finding Beauty in El Salvador – Part 2

Finding Beauty in El Salvador – Part 2

The men leave in a quiet procession before we arrive. Left to manage the household and work the construction, we take our cue from the amazingly strong and capable women of the village. They instruct us and look out for us as we attempt to match them step for step in...